Houstong musician Gary Mayes is a talented drummer who has been playing publicly since he was a child, first filling in at a worship service at age 8. He has since performed behind such notable artists as Yolanda Adams and El Debarge. For the past decade he's served as music director at Fountain of Praise Church in Houston and has recorded with his group, Nu Era. In 2007, Mayes released Diary of A Strong Souljah.

01.Hit the Deck (Feat. B.B. Jay)
02.A Word from the Father (Feat. Nuwordmuzick Family)
03.Stand Still
04.Wait on Him (Feat. Nikki Ross)
05.He'll Come Through (Feat. Nakitta Clegg)
06.Holy (Feat. Jonathan Dunn)
07.We Owe U More
08.I'm Ready
09.It's Time 2 Worship
10.Let the People Praise U
11.Gr8 Day N the Mornin'
12.U Did It (Jus 4 Me)
Disc 2
01.Oh I Thanq U
02.Souljah's Dilemma (Feat. Knuckleheads)
03.Strong Souljahs (Feat. K. Small)
04.If I Ever Need'd U Feat. Gene Moore, Jr.)
05.I Think I Can/I Kno I Can
06.This Joy (Feat. Nuwordmuzick Family)
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Bo§§ bless you.
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Bo§§ bless you.
Muito obrigado irmão !!